Here's what we did today...

I tried it...Did you? Once again I jumped at the chance to take out a pair of Telemark skis for a tour across the hill and back. I had a great time and did my best to field questions about the equipment from interested folks...but let's be honest, I know very little about the technical side of this variation of the sport...that's what Telemark instructors Holly Blefgen and Keith Woods were here for! Keith and Holly had a busy day teaching the finer points of telemark skiing. For more information about Ski Telemark please visit their website at
Keith and Holly
Doug B. makes telemark look easy!
Mike Q teaching a beginner "the ropes"
Avery takes a break with her Dad.
Pee Wee Ski Camp in session on the Promenade Run.
Sarah and Anna BFF! Crusin' the slopes after their lesson.
Paul M. laying it down in a turn!
Clarke S. and students.
Action in the Main Park.
See you tomorrow for more "down" time...