What an INCREDIBLE day on the slopes of Brimacombe today.
With a much more comfortable air temperature and FRESH snow falling over night
you could not ask for a nicer day to ski or snowboard!
Today was a day of FIRSTS.
It was the FIRST day of OPENING Rutherford’s Cut, Challenger, Whistler, Sunny Side, Nice and Easy and Farmer’s Field
(I do not recall the last time we had 100% COVERAGE by Jan 4…it has been some time…definitely
a FIRST in the last ten years).
It is also the FIRST day that we opened the NEW
section of our relocated VAULT terrain park…more construction will be done this
coming week but the park looks EPIC already!
My favorite FIRST, is the “FIRST TIME ON SKIS”, and today my
little buddy Logan had his! Sitting in the chalet the other day at lunch Logan -not
even two years old- pointed wide eyed out to the slopes and said “SKI!” a great
sign that a new love was about to be realized. This afternoon, accompanied by
his Mom Teresa (our faithful Marketing and Promotions Manager), his Dad Mike
and his Grandpa Don and Grandma Lindsey, Logan took to the slopes for the FIRST
Logan LOVED his FIRST today, this was proven by his smiles and shouts
of “FASTER”.
Welcome to our sport buddy!
I spoke to a number of others who were experiencing their
FIRST time as well today, the smiles make our job REWARDING!
The view is STUNNING from the top of Challenger.
Phase II of the VAULT terrain park opened this afternoon!
Come check out the new location and hit some pristine features with BUTTERY FLOW. Our Terrain park staff -headed up by Stephan H- have OUT DONE THEMSELVES once again…a competition quality park for everyday use!
Even more features will
be added to the mix this week, stay tuned to our Facebook page for pictures and
Cathelene S had a SUCCESSFUL day of snow boarding today! She's a trooper!
The SUN has set on an AWESOME day….and an awesome NIGHT of
skiing is underway.
Pace Penguin showed up in my office today (Thanks CSP Patrol
leader Bob T) , he tells me he plans to spend the winter touring around and
experiencing all there is to do and see here at the Brim!
Stay tuned for
pictures of the fun he has on the slopes!

It was another day in PARADISE,