The Brimacombe Racing Club will be conducting a 3 day “Introduction to racing“ program for children ages 7 to 10 years of age; March 12 to 14, 9AM – 12 PM (this program is not for current race club members).
The goal of the Brimacombe Ski Racing Club is to provide a solid foundation and knowledge base upon which to build children’s athletic abilities and to encourage the development of skiers and ski racers of all ability levels in a fun and rewarding environment. The Brimacombe Ski Racing Club is aligned with Alpine Ontario.
All coaches are certified by the Canadian Ski Coaches Federation and many are also certified by the CSIA.
Benefits of our race program
Children who are physically educated feel confident and are encouraged to continue to build on these skills through competitive and recreational sport activity. They will enjoy overall health benefits by developing greater physical literacy, which encourages them to be more physically active throughout their lives. Skiing is a life-long sport that is practiced by people of every age, shape, size and level of ability. But skiing skills are not the only benefits of our ski program.
In addition children will learn:
Ski Safety – Listening skills – Building self confidence – Goal setting
The cost is $90.00 & the camp will include:
o 9 hours of instruction with a focus on ski improvement
o Training runs daily in a course set on the Standard run
o Timed runs on the final day
Note: Helmets are mandatory
Payment is due with registration & waiver must be signed by parent or legal guardian.
Lift tickets are not included
This is not a “learn to ski” program & assumes children have basic skills
For additional information or register: coachinfo@brimacomberacing.ca