Be the 10th caller to say "I love Brimacombe" after dialing the phone number below and you'll be given some free Brimacombe swag!
To Enter: Call (905) 983-7669, extension 295, STARTING RIGHT NOW! Be the 10th person to tell us you love Brimacombe and you'll receive some free swag!
The contest will close as soon as a 10th caller is chosen today, January 20, 2012, and a winner's name will be announced tomorrow morning. Be sure to come back to the Brimacombe fan page tomorrow to see if you won.
A complete list of names is posted here under News on the Brimacombe website, as well as available from the Main Office.
Check back daily for 36 more opportunities to win!
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Stay up-to-date with everything happening at Brimacombe!
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You can also stay up-to-date by signing up to receive our regular email eblast.