Temperature and wind aside, it was a great weekend on the hill. The West side of our facility opened Saturday with the Clubhouse run, and the Promenade run opened today. A warm fire burned in our West Clubhouse for our members and guests wanting to get out of the chill and snow making was in full force for the last few days (shut down for most of today due to high wind). Our Pee Wee Ski Camp counselors received some training at the Pee Wee Ski Camp Headquarters in anticipation of next weekends program start up and the Canadian Association of Disabled Skiers held their volunteer on-hill training session today in preparation for the season ahead. There is never a dull moment here at Brimacombe no matter how low the mercury dips.
Pee Wee Ski Camp Counselors reviewing lift safety information and other important matters.
"The Concentrated Snow storm" or "Flyer on fire".
Our regular season operating hours are now in effect meaning we will be CLOSED MONDAYS (unless otherwise advertised, i.e. holidays), OPEN Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for DAY SKIING 9am to 4:30pm and OPEN for NIGHT SKIING Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 4:30pm to 10pm. All operational hours are weather permitting, please check our website www.brimacombe.ca or call our "snow line" (905) 983-7669 before heading out for the day for the latest conditions and information.
It was a fun day on the BRRRRrim!