I think I'll let the pictures tell the story of this weekend at BRIMACOMBE!
Our "mogul seeds" grew into some nice bumps...
Mike F ripping them up.
This two youngsters were REALLY impressive!
The PARK SCENE today.
Patrick and his crew from ELAN were on-site with a full line of demos.
Dan Evans playing some tunes on the deck in preparation for the APRES SKI PARTY.
Dad Simon took 2 year old Jacia out on the slopes for her FIRST TIME ON SKIS while 8DAY OLD sister Kira relaxed with mom Sharmelle in the Chalet.
and to wrap up another great weekend on the slopes...we hosted our first APRES SKI PARTY of the season....
Hollywood movie star Sarah...
Kori cooking up some tasty treats!
Good friends and good times...what Brimacombe is all about!
Thanks for joining us this weekend....there is still tons of fun ahead!
Another day in Paradise,