I watch the weather forecasts -I like a good suspense story like anyone else- but I'm noticing a trend that has been growing over the last several years and maybe you have too. The media seems to want to keep us inside.
"It's going to be a cold one out there...better stay inside!"
"A storm front is moving in...expect a DUMP of 5cm...if you don't have to go anywhere.....better stay inside" (BTW...5cm is not a "storm")
"It's going to be cloudy, with sunny periods. Expect some rain changing to snow with a high of 5* and a low of -15*, just to be safe...better stay inside" Ok, I completely made that one up....but sometimes I think the weather guessers throw a bit of everything into their forecasts when they're just not sure about whats going to happen.
When did winter become such a gloomy story in the media? When did cold weather become a reason to hide inside our homes....and snow meant the sky was falling? We as avid skiers and snowboarders know that the above examples scream SNOW SPORTS but for those not "in the know", those with dusty skis and green lawns in January, those leery to make plans when there may be a "chance" of something other than sunny skies...they need our encouragement to take winter by the horns and get outside!
Oliver O did just that today. With the rain gently falling from the sky, Oliver took his first ever runs on skis
This rain will have little to no effect on our conditions, the skiing is still great, fantastic in fact. We hope to fire the snow making system back up this week to build up the base depth so please expect some temporary run closures.
We had a fun weekend here at the Brim, with many more to come! Join us for some "down" time.