The Brimacombe Racing Club held the first race of the season here at the Brim. Racers from all over travelled to compete for the best time down Ben's Bump. The course was firm and fast making for some great times.
Course inspection is underway for a day of racing action on Ben's Bump
It was the first SUNDAY for the 7 Week Lesson Program at the Brimacombe Snow School and the first SUNDAY for the Pee Wee Ski Camp program. The first weekend is always a busy time getting our participants to their correct groups and onto the slopes, we thank-you for having patience with our beginners...they are the future of our club!
Learning the basics on Bambi.
Melissa and her troop lining up for a lift to the top.
Doug and 2 year old grandson attending the Pee Wee Ski Camp
The Durham Chapter of the Canadian Association of Disabled Skiers had their first day on the slopes for the season. The CADS program does a great job of providing assistance to those who need it, if you are interested in joining the program either as a participant or volunteer, stop by the CADS table set up in the lower area of the East Chalet every Sunday. For all the gents, don't forget to purchase your Men's Day ticket, all proceeds will be donated to CADS-DURHAM! (For more details see our website under "Latest News"..Ladies Day tickets also on sale with proceeds going to Bethesda House)
Colin "Lord of the socks" and crew getting ready to take the sit ski for a run.
Today was also the FIRST day skiing for one little 16 month old daughter Avery. We weren't sure how she would like it, but as I skied her down the Bambi run she sang merrily along. After each run down the hill we asked her if she wanted to go again and she eagerly answered "more"...after the 7th run her answer was "done".
Avery's first day enjoying the slopes of Brimacombe.
Big sister Sarah, helping her little sister learn to ski.
As I like to tell people who are interested in taking up the sport, Skiing and Snowboarding is one of the few TRUE family sports you can spend the day doing together. Families travel together to the resort, ski together, enjoy lunch together, maybe explore the resort on their own for a while, and then take home stories and memories of the fun they had together as a family on the slopes of Brimacombe. We hope you had a great weekend at Brimacombe.
The HEAD ski crew was onsite today with demos of the latest and greatest product. If you missed it today, stop into our ON SITE retail shop and try out a ski from the largest on-snow demo fleet available. We have great skis for a great price, and all proceeds go DIRECTLY back into the operation of our facility.
Is WAS another day in Paradise...