Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fingers crossed...toes too.

Since my last Blog the weather took a turn and has been less than desirable for snow making. Late Saturday afternoon (Dec 12, 09) the guns were shut down due to milder temperatures, and a fair amount of rain fell last night. However, beginning tonight, the future looks snow making friendly and we're aimed and ready.

So, when do we plan to open? Always a tough call in years like this, however our sights are set WEATHER DEPENDING on this coming Saturday,Dec 19,09. Please be sure to check our website www.brimacombe.ca or call the snow phone (905)983-7669 for further updates and information as the weekend nears. If open, our terrain will be very limited. Mother Nature holds the cards, let's hope she deals us a winning hand.

Though this fall has been mild, it has not been overly unusual. We have been blessed with two FANTASTIC early starting winters which seem to overshadow the reality of what is, or is not a "normal" winter. Rest assured that given the forecast colder temperatures we will be in fine form for the season ahead. Good times are on the horizon!
